Q: Who can use the book delivery service provided by the Macao Public Library?
A: The book delivery service enables people with disabilities and non-profit organizations and schools in Macao to have library items be delivered to desired locations on request. Any organization that has successfully applied for the service can borrow a maximum of 200 library items at a time for a period of 60 days. Members with disabilities referred by social welfare institutions that provide rehabilitation services can also have library items delivered to their residence. They can borrow a maximum of 5 library items each time for a period of 14 days, and each item can be renewed once. Interested organizations can apply for the service by writing to the Library.
Q: How do successful applicants use the book delivery service? What are the rules for borrowing library items?
A: Organizations that have successfully applied for the service can select borrowable library items from one of the branch libraries or the Central Book Stack. After submitting a borrowing request o the Library along with the list of requested library items, the Library will then arrange for delivery. The aforementioned organizations are responsible for taking care of the borrowed items and lend them to their members for free. The handling of late returns, book damages or losses is subject to the regulations of Macao Public Library.