TEXT_Yan Lam


In addition to providing lending services, electronic resources and other services, the Macao Public Library organizes various exhibitions, lectures and activities every year to arouse people’s interest in reading and enrich their reading life. While patrons are enjoying the Library’s various services, a team of librarians are working in obscurity to collect, organize and compile literature, hold various activities, maintain library facilities, and engage in technical and administrative affairs. In this issue, we will take a look at librarians’ stories in the new column “Behind the Library” on the Library’s official website.

This new column is on the “About Us” page of the Library’s official website, and articles are published on an irregular basis. The column is composed of the “Research Room,” “Library History Room” and “Reading Corner.” We can learn about Macao’s role in China’s lead movable-type printing industry from ancient foreign books, how difficult it is to digitize ancient books, the Sir Robert Ho Tung Library in the memories of senior librarians, etc. Between the lines of these articles, readers can discover a different kind of library service and work through the eyes of librarians.


Scan and read the stories behind the Library